Monday, March 10, 2014

The Day After

You guys. Satan is real and his name is Spring Forward. He comes at 2:00AM on a Sunday morning. The very Sunday when you promised the whole entire blogosphere that you would toss caution to the wind and go to church. That Sunday.

I told you it would be a battle, and I told you I would fight it. I did. And we went to church.

We were just a little late.

Funny thing happened, too. Saturday night I titled my post "Stay." and then Sunday morning, the main theme of the message was to stay. I sat there and was like, hahaha, God. You're so cute.

I wasn't totally free from the distraction of my own mind on Sunday morning. But I found myself being more intentional about my thoughts. More focused. Less judgey. And I'm really good at being all judgey. I'm really good at judging you for being judgmental. Like, really good.

I found myself being more thoughtful.

It was really nice, actually. And I probably didn't have as much of that sourpuss face that I'm well-known for having. People who don't know me say I'm intimidating. People who do know me, often tell me that they thought I was intimidating before they met me. I'd like to say this is tragic, but really, I secretly like it. There's a very real part of me that kind of enjoys the fact that people are scared to talk to me. This way I don't have to pretend to be nice as often. I told you I'm here to confess my ugliest parts, right?

Anyhow, I have a lot of thoughts swirling around tonight, and I can't really hone them in. So I bid adieu. Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I thought with fall back approaching this Sunday, that you would be updating this blog. :>)
