Saturday, March 8, 2014


I've already been scolded for not posting anything yesterday. By my mom. We all need a "biggest fan" in our lives. Thanks, Mom.

I did, in fact, write yesterday. But it just wasn't blog-worthy. The short of it was this: our dishwasher is gone so I'm crying about having to give up our dishwasher for Lent (a new one will be installed this week, so I shouldn't be crying about this); also, I should've worked into our marriage vows something about how my husband needs to answer every phone call I make to him. Every time. It doesn't matter what he's doing, where he's at, if he started a new job that week, if he's using the restroom, if he's in an important meeting. It doesn't matter. My needs are obviously more important than his.

So there was that.

I wasn't exactly full of inspirational thoughts yesterday. Not that I'm really trying to inspire you, I just wasn't inspired.

Today was a good day, though. I have not one dirty dish in the kitchen, the laundry is all clean, a family bike ride transpired, I got to watch my all-too-big little boy play in the great outdoors, and I am sitting here on the couch next to my gracious and merciful husband, while said little boy is fast asleep in dreamland.

It is Saturday night. And while there is an unspoken expectation that we will be attending church in the morning, I can also equally expect that creeping feeling to arrive in the morning. The one telling me that this is my last opportunity to spend time with my family before Monday. The one that begs me to find things I need to get done at home so I can have a legitimate excuse not to go to church.

I'm going to fight it. And I'm going to go to church.

Also, I should clarify a couple things. I received some feedback after my last post from extremely kind people inviting me to come check out their churches. While I really do appreciate the invitations, and believe that your church communities are great places, I am not currently looking for a new church. I need to stay where I'm at. Something that makes me uncomfortable. Some people fear change, I thrive on it. Staying is hard for me. I am highly adaptable, and I crave the adaptation to new environments. This can be an exciting life, but a dangerous one. So I am learning to tame myself.

So I stay. I stay so that I can grow. I stay so that when the next thing in life gets hard, I know how to stay.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Worth the wait. Thanks. And I think that last sentence shows more insight and maturity than you even know. Proud momma.
