Soooooo yep! It's been roughly two years since I've updated my blog. Sounds about right. I've never been good at keeping the e-masses informed about my life on the regular.
But my brain won't shut up at me this time. It keeps yelling... "SHARE! WRITE! DO SOMETHING!!!"
So y'all know by now (no thanks to my blog, obviously) that I am now the proud mama of the cutest 1-year-old on the planet. I mean, seriously. Who knew that this little man would steal my heart and my life would never be the same? Oh, you did? I think you told me that sometime along the way, but I didn't know it until I knew it. You feel me?
So life is dramatically different. And while I thought I would promptly return to full-time work 12 weeks after the little guy was born, turns out my priorities changed and would do anything I could to spend more time with him. I left my job and started working extremely part time. Which somehow strangely affected our finances and budget. I know, weird.
I recently started a new job working three days a week. Twenty-four hours a week total, and it's working out pretty well. I work in an administrative roll at a small, corporate firm. Nothing too exciting, but I like it well enough and it helps pay the bills.
But I'm missing something. There is this space in my heart that has been there ever since I can remember. The need to be somewhere in the mission field (this sounds very churchy to me, and I think I need to use another word here. But that's a whole 'nother blog post). And I've read all about being a "different kind of tax collector" and maybe you have, too. But I mean something more. Like you know when you're growing up in church (or maybe you don't, but go with me here...) and the missionary comes and tell you there are three ways you can help: go, send, and pray? Yeah, well I was always like "Yo! I'll go! Send me!" So I went, and it was awesome. And I would dream of days when my then imaginary husband and kids would be with me.
I pursued an education to support my vocational dreams. Then I got married. Then I had a kid. Then we tried to buy a house. For almost two years we looked, put offers on, went into escrow, backed out, and waited for several houses. We came extremely close to purchasing one in particular. In the nearly eight months we spent waiting for it to come through, our hearts changed. We no longer wanted that house. We no longer felt attached to the idea of purchasing a house, period. But instead of backing out, we chose to continue to pray for God's will to be done, for Him to speak clearly to us, and to wait and see what happened. The wait ended when our realtor called to inform us that the bank was asking over $60,000 more than what it had originally given a verbal approval for. We immediately knew God's hand was on this situation and felt peace as we could now let go of the house entirely.
So I have no house (no, we are not homeless). But I'm actually excited about it. And I still have an amazing husband and a way-too-cute son. I don't know what our future holds, but I know Someone who does.